Excited or Nervous?

Being pregnant for the first time bring us different emotions. Fortunately for those mothers who have a partner to support them, pregnancy can be a very joyful and exciting experience. However those who are single parent and unplanned pregnancies have their different stories to tell.

As I said, people have their different stories. oftentimes people gets excited and picturing who gets her nose, eyes, lips and some other physical parts. Is it the mom, dad, granny or grumps? Of course everyone wanted their baby to be just like one of the commercial models as seen on TV. Almost everyone long to see their child in milk, diaper ads and what not.

When some parent get's too excited, others are nervous and worried. There are so many "what ifs" popping out. What if the baby has incomplete fingers, what if the baby is carrying a disease, what if I can't raise him well, and millions of what ifs. We became too paranoid and we unconsciously feed ourselves with negative thoughts that arent good for pregnancy. Invite good vibes. I will tell you, it is normal to get paranoid but one thing you should do, take actions to reciprocate it with positive thoughts. Here are some things I did when I found myself worrying.

Watch laughing babies on YouTube
Play upbeat music
Watch comedy films
Do not watch news
Do not watch drama series
Play with pets (not too much)
Talk to your friends
Do planting (it could be herb, veggies or just be with the nature for few minutes)
Have a nice chat with your partners

I remember delivering my baby in a CS operation. The doctors gave me a shot to sleep but I said I want to see my son first. The first thing I did was count his fingers and find some birth mark. I was scanning him from head to toes. That's how worried I was and was so delighted that I have delivered a perfect new being in the world.

It is normal to get excited and nervous on your pregnancy. But one thing I learn, be worry-free at all times. Prayer is your best company when raising a child in your tummy. Keeping yourself happy and relax also reflects on your baby's emotions. You and your very own flesh and blood is one. Any negative thoughts feed them. When you frown, they frown. When you laugh, they laugh. It may not be literally but one thing is for sure, your emotions are easily felt by these littlings.

And moms one more thing. We eat a lot, as in a LOT. But do limit your food intake. Remind yourself of a consistent healthy diet. Its not too late for you preggy moms out there to do it. Eat responsibly for your baby and for yourself, too. Vegetables and fruits are must haves. Self-medicating is a big NO. You can read lots of information online but don't forget to consult your OB regularly. That's a lesson learn from me because I missed a session with my OB resulting to being hospitalized for three days during my 7th month. I will tell you more about it on another article. Keeping up with good shape not only helps bringing a healthy child. Wouldn't you be happy to still wear some good old stuffs in your closet after delivery? It's easy to get fat but hard to get loose! Stay worry-free, get excited in a positive way and be a healthy mama.